You might think having a professional lifestyle portrait photoshoot in a busy town like Brighton and Hove would be difficult and embarrassing but . . . it doesn’t have to be that way.
We will move a lot from one spot to another on the day of your branding portrait (or business headshot) photo session and there will be no time to notice whether someone is watching us.
Trust me, as a Brighton based female personal branding portrait photographer with years of experience I know many ways to avoid stress if you’re camera shy.
This is what I do on the day of your photoshoot:
1. Timing of the photo session
If you’re a little bit introverted, like me, the best time to have portrait photoshoot in your local cafe or on the Brighton streets is during off-peak times and week days.
Early morning works the best: most cafes open around 7-8am and they are fairly empty and quiet early morning, alternatively, a few minutes before closing they are also less crowded.
you might want to avoid the rush hour and lunch time when taking pictures on the street, not only because it’s crowded but, also because the light might be too strong around noon time;
try avoid weekends (especially bank holidays) if possible, Brighton is a popular destination for foreign tourists and visitors from central London.