It's that time again.
Every year in December, I pause.
I go inwards.
I reflect.
I envision.
I dedicate my time and energy to reflect and envision the year ahead of me, at the personal and professional level as female photographer and videographer based in Sussex, Brighton and Hove.
I want to be inspired and not instructed!
Because of my corporate background and journey to become full time visual artist, photographer and filmmaker, I am all about being inspired and not instructed.
For that reason, I am doing something different each year.
Rather, than setting up 2021 goals, business plans, strategies, missions, or New Year resolutions, every year I choose a magical word (or words).
These words act as a guiding light for the year ahead of me.
A word can be embraced as a reminder, an intention, a goal, a promise, a desire, or an anchor.
It’s like having a theme for your year.
My leading word for 2021
Last three years I’ve chosen: courage, visibility… integrity and self-love...oneness, expansion and envision…to name a few.
For 2021 I have decided to choose “DISCERNMENT” (dis·cern·ment ).
Definition of discernment:
1: the quality of being able to grasp and comprehend what is obscure: skill in discerning
2: an act of perceiving or discerning something
With upcoming changes at personal level, in 2021 I will require an ability to distinguish and select what is the best path or course of action for me.
I want to get good at identifying what is important and what I can release.
Do not worry… me and my camera will be still here to support you on your visibility journey on social media through personal brand portrait photography or story-telling “about me” videos for your website.
However, I am going to become more discerning about which photography and videography projects I’m involved with, so my creative time and energy is utilised in line with my bigger vision.
For that reason, I will be working exclusively with a limited number of purpose driven, heart-centred women this year.
Have you found your word or words for 2021?
What do you want?
Who do you want to be?
Let these questions guide you.
Share with me in comments below.
Is “visibility your word for 2021?
It’s time to be bold, fearless and unstoppable.
It’s time to embrace your full potential and share your beautiful message with the world.
It’s time to show up, be real, be honest, be visible.
Stand up, walk confidently and express yourself with grace.
To know that I can be an inspiration, a catalyst for your visibility journey, become more confident and authentic in front of the camera, infuses my work with purpose.
Let's bring your vision to life.
I am here to make you feel ready, more confident and help you to be more visible. I’m Magdalena, Professional Branding Portrait Photographer & Videographer based in beautiful Brighton & Hove, Sussex, UK, often found in London area.