It’s nearly a week since I have experienced three magical and relaxed days of Tango dancing at the Frankfurt Tango Marathon 2018 and I can’t stop smiling.
Yes, you read it correctly. I am talking about the “dancing marathon” (nothing to do with a “running marathon” lol). Three days and three nights (plus after party) of dancing to the traditional Argentinian Tango music in the Frankfurt Instituto Cervantes venue. For all my non-tango friends this must sound like a crazy idea, locked in a 300 sqm wooden floor room with 250 other tango dancers from all over the word and just keep dancing…. crazy isn’t it? But trust me, for us Tango dancers, it’s a place in heaven.
What I love the most about the Tango itself is the embrace , connection and dialog you develop with the partner. The dance becomes a conversation between a leader and follower! It’s all about sharing and experiencing this magical un-defined “Tango moment” while you are lost in the dance. Let’s not forget about the social aspect, catching up with old or meeting new friends between dancing. While I am not dancing or photographing, I just love watching other couples lost in the embrace, lost in the dance, lost in the Tango moment and music! Hence it should be no surprise to you all that the opportunity to combine Tango and photography is a dream for me!
My photography and Tango passion has been constantly evolving, re-developing and re-shaping for some time now! Despite having a recent “bumpy Tango journey” (complex foot injury , followed with 3 surgeries and few metal pieces and screws…). I had to take a little break from taking pictures of Tango events, Tango festivals and Tango marathons for some time…. but I am back now. The Frankfurt Tango Marathon (FTM, 4th edition) was a perfect choice for my first marathon of the year after a long recovery. It was indeed a truly emotional event for many personal and professional reasons…
" Magdalena, it is all you! The composition is as a breath of air....right up to the way you have cut off the hands, making them an entanglement movement and’s delicious"
Being part of the event as one of this year's official photographers, to portray emotions, expressions, feelings and movements, plus capturing the connections in the tiny moments that two people share together was indeed a great privilege. What I love the most about FTM (non-profit Tango marathon event) is how welcome and relaxed I felt during those three days. It was my 3rd time in Frankfurt and 3rd time as a photographer and social dancer and I am just about to book a flight to next year's edition (definitely not with Ryanair ;-)) . Why would you not?
It is a 100% guarantee to have the days and nights filled with new and old dancing friends, wonderful traditional Tango music, unforgettable warm embraces, delicious food, aperol spritz, unlimited coffee expresso & fresh orange juice, plus endless hugs and smiles. Let’s not forget about the organiser’s attention to detail which is always above and beyond, as well as the hospitality which is just first class! The amount of effort put into this event can’t be described. Massive THANK YOU to all the helpers, organisers, catering team, DJs and massage team, participants…!
For me the dance portrait photography is all about capturing the presence of the dancer, mystery of the embrace, emotions, passion, movement, Tango moments... To me, these secret moments tell a story that otherwise remain unseen and unheard, and allows people to open their eyes and appreciate the world they live in.
What I love the most about FTM from the photographer's perspective is the freedom! Freedom of creativity. Freedom of expression. As a Photographer and Tango dancer myself, I see more than just two people dancing and embracing! For me Tango and portrait photography is all about the art of observation. We all see things differently... It’s all about a constant chase to capture the “Tango moment” in the most creative and precious way like the dance itself. Tango is a feeling that can be danced and my photography aims to capture that feeling!
I am a sucker for bold colours, patterns, small details, shadows and natural lights… Most of my images have a unique and complex composition, taken from very different angles and perspectives. Other images are very powerful, some are perfect story telling images.
Certainly my photography style and approach is very unique and personal – it’s a form of art and expression like a dance itself. I put my heart and soul into each picture I take , similar to each Tango tanda I dance. It’s all about these Tango moments and the people photographed. Hence I only share a very carefully selected set of images as I believe less is better….. quality above quantity. The number of images I take during a Tango event depends on the dynamics of the event, the mood of participants and ME! I do not know anyone who would be able to take pictures of everyone and everything during such a big event – similarly it’s impossible to dance with everyone during the Tango marathon, would you agree?
"That is really work of an artist. Amazing!"
I can’t imagine ever stopping to dance Tango. I can’t imagine myself stopping to take pictures. Photography and Tango will always be part of my life. Although I might not be able to dance as much as I would love to, it should not stop me to focus my energy on Portrait Photography.
"Awesome photos Magdalena. You catch the soul of happiness..."