Visibility journey with a female portrait photographer from Brighton, Sussex UK
Some people call it “personal branding” but I call it a “soulful portrait visibility journey” . . . me, you and my camera.
Together we go on a journey from deep rooted limiting beliefs that keeps you stuck and hiding out, to healing emotional wounds of the heart, to fully expressing the true you.
Who you are.
Who you stand for.
The real you!
Read for yourself:
“The remit for this photoshoot was to capture me as I am.
To capture me exactly as I show up in my life.
The way I show up for clients, friends and strangers alike. Uncompromisingly me.
I didn’t want any change of outfits, hairdressers or make up.
No pretending to be anything.
The only intention was to show up authentically and be captured and seen as I am.
The task sounds easy but it is not.
To show up authentically is extremely hard. It requires to drop everything that you are not and simply be as you are. It requires a deep grounding in yourself.
It requires safety, vulnerability and trust.
To find a portrait photographer that not only understands what you want but is willing to fully support you in this kind of intention is rare.
There were endless moments in front of the camera where my programming took over and all my masks would rush to the surface. Like a magnet it would draw them all up so fast, I barely noticed it happened.
Magdalena was skilfully patient, waiting to capture the spaces in-between, when for a brief moment I forgot she was there and the masks disappeared.
She managed to catch the glimpses of me that even I struggled to access. And the most comforting thing was that I didn’t need to explain.
She was giving me exactly what I needed, all by herself.
She just knew.
The result is this outdoor portrait image and many more, which capture the physical as well as the essence, against a stunning background of the rising sun on the beach.
What you offered me was so much more than a photoshoot.
Thank you for brand images and the experience that we shared.
Your work is a gift to the world.”
Visibility journey starts here my dear
What my all clients have in common is that they are big hearted, compassionate, sensitive and often highly emphatic women like me and you. And I would love to be part of your visibility journey.