Visual Artist: Abstract painting workshops, brand portrait photographer Brighton Sussex UK

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What is the best time of the day for an Outdoor Portrait Photo shoot - Personal Brand Photographer Sussex UK

As a photographer, I am always looking for the best light for my outdoor, inspired by nature portrait photo session with inspiring and creative women. I am constantly chasing the light as the light changes a lot throughout the day.

So what is the best time of the day for an outdoor lifestyle photo session?

The common misconception is that sunny weather is necessary for outdoor personal brand portrait photo shoots. Well, let me tell you that this is simply not true.

Actually, it’s quite the opposite! 

The best, deepest and catchy images are often created “before or after” the storm.

As a natural light Professional Outdoor Portrait Photographer based in “sunny” Brighton & London, Sussex UK, my favourite time of the day to shoot outdoors is within the two hours after sunrise and those two precious, orange and mellow two hours before the sunset.

This “ magic hour”, known as a “golden hour” has been my obsession lately, when the sun is quite low in the sky and you can feel the last touches of its warmth on your skin.

And just a few minutes before the sunset, the sky is full of warm shades of orange, dancing with fiery red and intense pink.

By catching the perfect moment, we can turn this magical view into a piece of art, where your beauty is fully supported by delicious, soft and flattering light. 

It goes without saying that the quality of this“golden hour” fully depends on the weather. When it is overcast, expect less vibrancy in red, orange and yellow tones. 

Which is perfectly fine!

Why, you may ask? 

Ah, because we, photographers, just love cloudy days for photoshoots! 

Yes, yes, yes, you’ve read it right. 

We love clouds more than direct sun. 

Why would we prefer clouds?

The truth is, on a cloudy day, we can do a photoshoot at pretty much any time of the day. Clouds, just like professional assistants or equipment in a studio, help to soften the light and diffuse it. 

The purity of natural light creates a flattering and genuine look of you, your body and soul.

Your face is bound to naturally radiate when the shadows are much softer and diffused.

And there would be nothing more relaxing after we finish the photo session than just sitting and enjoying the beautiful sunset giving a spectacle in front of us. 

This is definitely my favourite time to take pictures, proved by some of the best photos I have taken. 

So, you may wonder, what would happen if we had to do the photo session in a super sunny day, around midday?

Well, I do have a solution.

I will take you to a quirky corner with a nice shade or we will find a properly sized tree. A nice addition of nature to your pictures, which creates a natural shade with soft and flattering light will do the magic here – trust me!

Nothing supports wonderful personal brand fashion or lifestyle portrait photo session better than natural light.

You can already imagine that my preference would be to walk outside for a session whenever possible.

I cherish the freedom and space to create portrait images, which enable me to use simple, yet powerful lighting setups.

The beauty and magic of the outdoor photography is that we can do it all year round!

I shoot in all weather conditions, whether it be a hot summer day or one of those frosty winter days.

I will make a good use of the view, whether it be windy, rainy or even if we end up under a cloudy sky, in the mist or the fog… you name it! 

What do you think? What is your favorite time of day?

I hope this blog was helpful!

PS. Check my latest blog about the best locations for personal brand portrait photo session in Brighton & Hove, Sussex area. 

My mission is to empower and inspire through my camera. Working with women stepping into their power and fullness is sooooooo satisfying. To know that I can be an inspiration, a catalyst for them to be visible, confident and authentic, infuses my work with purpose.

My name is Magdalena Smolarska. I am an International Personal Brand Portrait and Retreat Photographer & Videographer based in sunny Brighton and London, Sussex, UK. 

I work with entrepreneurs, freelancers, business owners, bloggers, influencers, artists, holistic and creative individuals to promote their personal brand.

Together, we can create something impactful, distinctive and authentically unique.