Visual Artist: Abstract painting workshops, brand portrait photographer Brighton Sussex UK

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Bring vibrancy and vitality into your Spring Portrait Photo session - Brighton & London Professional Photographer

Hello Spring, let me hug you! 

As soon as Spring emerges, I feel the urge to go outside with my camera, drawn by the mesmerising beauty of the nature that is awaking around me.

Days become longer… The weather gets warmer… Plants grow and flowers bloom…

Everywhere I look I see beauty and abundance. I see life in all its glory. 


You will have guessed, Spring is my ultimate favorite season and it deeply inspires the visual artist & photographer that I am!

Spring is also my personal brand and personality season.

All about this season reflects my spirit so no wonder people describe me as:

infectiously ENTHUSIASTIC,







fun, lively and imaginative.

These qualities are reflected in my brand styling and my photography style is infused with light, bright and bold colours (my signature colour being pink), clean lines and movement! 

I love bringing this Spring energy into my portrait photo shoots, outdoor & indoor. My session with beautiful Justyna is a perfect example of how gorgeous and radiant the Spring outdoor photo shoot in London can make you look AND feel!

Isn’t she just a pure and beautiful embodiment of Spring?

Colourful, bright, blooming and so expressive…

A flower opening up in front of my eyes and my camera!  I am in love with this photo session that truly portrays Justyna’s natural beauty, sweetness of spirit and joy for life. 

Spring is a symbol of renewal, new beginnings and fertility.

At this time of year, you might naturally feel like birthing new projects and bringing fresh energy into your life.

In that spirit, a personal branding photo session done in Spring is a wonderful way to help you inject creativity, new life, vitality and inspiration into your business and brand.

It will uplift your spirit and awaken your creativity, equipping you with amazing photos for your website and social media platforms all at once!

And this new, positive energy is highly attractive to your audience, therefore supporting you in growing your business and sharing your gifts with the world.

On top of that, Spring is the season of abundance and juiciness of life. How about bringing these exquisite qualities into your brand photography?! 

My branding and my vison convey my energy and passion and make a statement that my work is done with love. 


Together we can design something that truly represents YOU! 

The portrait photo session will not only offer you an opportunity to express yourself but will give you a boost of confidence and empowerment to be more visible out there. With gentle guidance, I help you to overcome your potential unease of being in front of camera. Trust me, I know that feeling as I myself struggle to feel comfortable being photographed! 

So, are you ready to infuse your online presence with wonderful photos and vibrant spring colours?

Are you ready to come out of hiding and bloom like the flower that you are?

Contact me to arrange a free phone consultation to discuss your needs and see how I can support you on your journey.

Some people call it " branding"!

I call it authentic, story-telling portrait images that helps you & your business to stand out and be more visible! 

My name is Magdalena Smolarska. I am a Personal Brand Portrait Photographer based Brighton and London, UK. 

I work with entrepreneurs, freelancers, business owners, bloggers, influencers, artists and creative individuals to promote their personal brand.

Together, we can create something impactful, distinctive and authentically unique.