Visual Artist: Abstract painting workshops, brand portrait photographer Brighton Sussex UK

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My personal journey with Brand Photography: Tending your creative fire and why this is so important - London & Brighton Portrait Photographer

Explosion of creativity!!! – is what i am experiencing right now on my photographic journey!

Photography is a wonderful creative process. And as I am moving further along this path, taking photos of many people from various walks of life, constantly seeking improvement and redefining my personal style, I am exploring my artistic potential and opening my eyes, heart and mind to new levels of creativity and personal growth.

Here is how this creative calling manifests itself:

·     My eyes are constant widely open, paying detailed attention to the world that surrounds me

·     I see and hear things I did not notice before. My senses are heightened!

·     I am constantly looking for new bright ideas, projects and collaborations

·     I can’t stop my imagination from running wild, even at night!

Recently, I have been feeling more and more inspired, moved and nourished  by light, colours, music, patterns, design, composition or just by meeting creative individuals who are dreaming as BIG as me. Being inspired is an exquisite feeling and can be easily translated into creative ideas, thoughts, projects, collaborations and move your work and your life up to the next level. It’s all part of the exploration and development journey which we all go through regardless of our job title.

In my work, the design of the personal brand portrait session as well as the actual photo session itself and the editing process are all forms of my own self-expression. They reflect my vision, my passion, my personality and who I am as an individual, a professional photographer, an artist and a woman! This is one of the reasons why I truly love what I do: personal brand portrait photography.  

The idea of combining the photography as a medium of expressing myself with other forms of creative activities attracts me event more!   

In my heart, I know I reach a point where I need to welcome new experiences and embrace my inner creative genius. We all have this genius inside. In fact, as children we were naturally creative and spontaneous without self-imposed barriers and fears about being judged by others. But later in life, we become more cautious and shy about expressing ourselves. We develop self-judgement, self-criticism and awareness of the opinions of others  as a result of the conditioning we receive from our parents and the society at large. But it is our choice to reclaim our creativity and authentic self-expression. It is never too late to develop and nourish our creative selves!

In the light of this realisation and the awareness of the potential that lies inside me, I have decided that I would tend my creative fire and upgrade my artistic skills. It’s time to come out of my comfort zone, be more adventurous, playful and daring. It is time to move forward on my creative path and enjoy the journey along the way without worrying about the end result! Time to let go of any expectations and judgements, time to experiment, to get my hands dirty and most of all, time to have fun! And I have no excuses here. I live in Brighton! This city is buzzing with creativity. It regularly offers a wide range of workshops, exhibitions, networking events, courses, classes….

A paradise for the creative soul.

Little did I know where this intention would take me. Before I realised, I was enrolled in a ‘Wild Painting‘ weekend workshop! And I can tell you, this was epic!

So, what the hell is wild painting?? 

I met Moyra Scott Art at one my favourite networking & coaching event with Lyndsey Segal in Brighton. As soon as I heard her talk about her unique concept of “Wild Painting”, I was totally seduced (and scared at the same time!). This was exactly what I was looking and longing for when Moyra described her art workshop: “it’s time to be yourself! Trust yourself! Set your inner creative free!”

Moyra and I agreed on a collaboration. I was to document her event while also being one of her participants.

Moyra’s vision is to invite participants to open their minds, listen to their hearts and express their souls without boundaries or judgements. We do not seek any result or technique here. We just let go and surrender to our creative flow. This is not about making pretty things. It is about going wild, experimenting with colours and shapes, getting to know our creative selves, building a relationship with who we are, reconnecting to our inner child and the wisdom that is forever inside us. There is such freedom and joy in this! It liberates you and feeds you deeply. And it shows you the infinite beauty and huge potential that we all have within us. 

I loved every minute of our collaboration. During the workshop I attended in July, I spread my creative wings and flew away! I have not only experienced an explosion of creativity while painting but I also had the great pleasure to capture the entire workshop with my camera, taking pictures of women bathed in creative inspiration and authentic self-expression. 

I came back home with a set of beautiful personal brand portrait images as well as three enormous canvas portraying my very own work of art!  


This event has been a huge trigger for reviving my creative fire.  I feel more inspired, more creative and more daring than ever before! 

This feeling of unlocking creativity is amazing! It gives me a sense of renewal and rejuvenation and I feel ready to infuse my work with this “fresh” creative energy. 

Whether you are freelancer, entrepreneur, website designer, yoga teacher, success coach….whatever your job title is, I urge you to always seek inspiration, keep  experimenting and to never ever  stop being creative, for creativity is our very own essence and an essential part of our human nature.

Thank you Moyra from the bottom of my heart for giving me “permission to be, trust and listen to myself..”! I look forward to your next wild painting workshop in October. Magdalena Smolarska Photography will be there for sure!

Always dream BIG!

Hi!  My name is Magdalena Smolarska. I am Business & Personal Brand Portrait Photographer based Brighton and London. 

My ambition is to provide authentic, storytelling portrait images for entrepreneurs, freelancers, business owners, bloggers, influencers and creative individuals to promote their personal brand.

Together, we can create something impactful, distinctive and authentically unique.

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